Just to keep track of games I want. So this list is to remind me of all the good games out there that I wanna play and/or own! Also I can customise it to however I want, much better than IGN's one.
Nintendo Wii
Arc Rise Fantasia
Bomberman (WiiWare)
The Conduit
Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party
Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party 2
Dance Dance Revolution: Furu Furu Party
Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop
Death Jr. II: Roots of Evil
Dewy's Adventure
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (WiiWare)
Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
Guitar Hero World Tour
The House of Dead: Overkill
Kirby Adventure
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Little King's Story
LostWinds (WiiWare)
Mario Strikers Charged Football
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Monster Hunter 3
Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution
Oboro Muramasa Yōtōden
Oneechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers
Red Steel 2
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
Samba de Amigo
Sonic & The Black Knight
Sonic Unleashed
Soulcalibur Legends
Swords of Legendia
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
TimeSplitters 4
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Wii Sports Resort
Sony PlayStation 3
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Bionic Commando
Bioshock 2
The Bourne Conspiracy - Collector's Edition
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: World at War
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Devil May Cry 4
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
Eternal Sonata
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Grand Theft Auto IV
Guitar Hero World Tour
Heavenly Sword
Initial D: Extreme Stage
Killzone 2
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Metal Gear Online
Mirror's Edge
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Need for Speed Undercover
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness
Quantum of Solace
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistence 2
Ridge Racer 7
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Rock Revolution
Saint's Row 2
The Simpsons Game
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Unleashed
Tekken 6
Time Crisis 4
Valkryia Chronicles
Wangan Midnight
White Knight Chronicles
Yakuza 3
Yakuza Kenzan!
Microsoft Xbox 360
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon 2
Bomberman Live
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Cry On
Dead or Alive 4
Dead Rising
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Guilty Gear 2: Overtune
Halo 3
Ikaruga (XBLA)
Indiana Jones
Infinite Undiscovery
The Last Remnant
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Colonies Edition
Lost Odyssey
Ninety-Nine Nights
OneeChanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad
Perfect Dark Zero
Project Sylpheed
Ninja Gaiden II
Resident Evil 5
Ridge Racer 6
Rumble Roses XX
Soulcalibur (XBLA)
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Tales of Vesperia
Too Human
Sony PSP
The 3rd Birthday
Ape Escape P
Breath of Fire III
Burnout Legends
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
Coded Arms
Coded Arms: Contagion
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars
Death Jr.
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road
Final Fantasy Agito XIII
Gitaroo Man Lives!
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Guilty Gear Judgement
Initial D: Street Stage
Jeanne d'Arc
Killzone: Liberation
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Medal of Honor Heroes
Megaman: Powered Up
Megaman: Maverick Hunter X
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus
Monster Hunter Freedom
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - Phantom Fortress
Ridge Racer
Ridge Racer 2
Sonic Rivals
Sonic Rivals 2
Star Ocean: The First Depature
Star Ocean: The Second Evolution
Tales of Eternia
Tales of the New World: Radiant Mythology
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Nintendo DS
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
Bangai-O Spirits
Blue Dragon Plus
Chrono Trigger DS
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie
Dragon Quest IX: Defenders of the Starry Sky
Final Fantasy IV
Flower, Sun and Rain
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
Infinite Space
Nanashi no Game
Phantasy Star Zero
Pokémon Platinum
Pokémon Ranger 2: Batonnage
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box
Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel
Valkyrie Profile: The Accused Ones
Sigma Harmonics
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Tales of Hearts
The World Ends with You
Sony PlayStation 2
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy XII
God of War II
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chains of Memories
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter 2
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams
Yakuza 2
Nintendo GameCube
Battalion Wars
Final Emblem: Path of Radiance
Mario Party 7
Pokémon XD: Gales of Darkness
Microsoft Xbox
Halo 2
Jet Set Radio Future
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess
Red Alert 3
Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII Snowboarding
Kingdom Hearts coded
Lost Planet: Trag Zero
Last Updated: 25th of October 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Top Ten RPGs
Here is my Top 10 list of RPGs! Theres some surprises there (especially for Ren) but I think I did a good job. I haven't played that many RPGs seeing as it takes forever to complete one or get far to make an understandable judgment on it. Here we have my all time favorites and I know some of you guys would disagree that some shouldn't be called an RPG :p
But screw you guys (especially Ren), tada:
10. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX, PC) - Bioware/LucasArts
『「STAR WARS」映画の4000年前を舞台にしたRPG』
Now usually I wouldn't put such a Western game in that Ren loves but this was an exception. Being set like 4000 years prior to the events of the New Trilogy, it gave Bioware a lot creative freedom to craft a beautiful story that doesn't cause a time paradox. While I never got to finish it (cause Ren insisted I give it back every time I saw him), it has awesome everything except the Neverwinter Night's like battle system. It took a lot of time to get used to it but one I did, I enjoyed it even more. I think it was one of the first console RPGs that let you customise the face of your avatar to such a heavy extent. While it didn't look like me at all, it still felt good knowing you made him look like a cool dude instead of those Japanese girly RPG heroes (ala Final Fantasy XII). Being able to craft ya own Jedi and pick any colour and type of lightsaber for him is just... wow
9. Tales of Symphonia (GCN, PS2) - Namco Tales Studio/Namco
『テイルズ オブ シンフォニア』
The Nintendo GameCube... how RPG starved have you've become after the Super Nintendo? While the Wii continues the same fate as the Cube and N64, Namco took it upon itself and created a (then-)exclusive RPG for the Cube to all the RPG starved-Nintendo fans. It is a prequel to Tales of Phantasia but not like anyone will notice it. Spanning two GameCube discs, it is the best traditional-RPG on the Cube. Music for the game created by the ever-awesome Motoi Sakuraba and animated cutscenes (even though there was very few of them) by ufotable really made us Cube games feel like a PlayStation 2 RPG fan :p The story is once again about saving the world but at least there were two parallel worlds to be saved! I used the PlayStation 2 cover because it looks sooooo much better than the GameCube's.
8. Grandia II (DC, PS2, PC) - Game Arts
I bought this cause the cover looked cool (at the time) and it was like $20 at EB Games Greensborough. I can't remember much about it cause it was a long time ago that I finished it but I will always remember how awesome the battle engine was. While it has been stolen by way more popular but crap Final Fantasy X-2, it was revolutionary when I played it. It kept me engaged in every single battle we had. While there was an auto feature, just being able to command your party to every split second action was amazing! Hard to describe here, you have to play it yourself. Too bad the two sequels never made it to PAL land but that shouldn't stop most ppl from finding a way to play it :D
7. Final Fantasy VII (PSone, PC) - Squaresoft
The first Final Fantasy game I have ever completed and also the only Final Fantasy game to have the most sequels and prequels =] Introduced to me by Myst Walker, I didn't really care for it much until in Year 8 when Ren showed me some cutscenes of the PC copy and I was blown away! While I didn't finish it until like three, four years later, it was an amazing game with memorable moments and characters. Everyone talks about crying or shattered when Aeris (yeaaaaaaa screw Aerith) dying by the hands of the almighty Sephiroth; didn't happen to me cause it was spoilt for me long time ago. Without this game being created though, the Western world would not be getting a lot of the Japanese RPGs they are getting now. So kudos to Squaresoft for making this game on the PlayStation instead of the Nintendo 64, it was groundbreaking in every way possible thanks to its FMVs that could fit into three CDs :p Also nice to see Tifa's chest getting smaller in the sequels, it didn't look good all blocky in the original...
6. Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (NDS) - AlphaDream/Nintendo
Its a horrible title and also horrible cover art but the game inside it is good as. Its always funny to see Bowser being picked on and just there to be comic relief. Having to control four characters at first seemed difficult, it was soon made easier as the game went by. Not known to most people, the music was done by Kingdom Heart's Yoko Shimomura =] No wonder the tunes were so catchy and memorable. Sadly no one I know have played this beautiful game, it is the best original this-gen portable RPG I reckon. Also it supported the Rumble Pak, which made countering in battles a lot easier. I just love the catchy dialogue and the L33t Hamm3r Broz. just owned it! No matter how little they were in the game, it made such an impact especially with lines like this:
Golly thats funny as!
5. Golden Sun (GBA) - Camelot Planning Software/Nintendo
『黄金の太陽 開かれし封印』
I first played this on an emulator (which I dislike nowadays) before I got my first GBA from Malaysia. I have completed it twice, once was a quickie and second I had to get all the Djinns so that I could transfer them over to the sequel. Even though I played it twice, i can't remember the story all that well. But for some reason, its always has been one of my favorites. Watching as ya Djinn summon sprites always looked cool, the puzzles while can get complex were fun and also one of my high school mates had this game (original copy) so it was fun doing link battles. It really was a traditional RPG and didn't get confusing like a lot of RPGs at its time. Music was memorable though, done by Motoi Sakuraba once again. Hope Camelot will make a sequel one day on the NDS or even the Wii!
4. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2) - Level-5/Square Enix
『ドラゴンクエストVIII 空と海と大地と呪われし姫君』
Just like Golden Sun, a really simple traditional RPG that does everything just right. You didn't have to customise this, check out which of your party should be in ya attacking party etc. Very straightforward and is a breeze to play. Its my most recent RPG finished and took many months to do but it was worth it in the end. Though I got kinda lazy and just youtubed the secret ending :p Exclusive to the English versions was voice acting. While a lot of the voices were kinda annoying, it was still good to hear some awesome ones like the beautiful Medea and the always funny yobbo Yangus! The music in the game was a blast! Fully orchestrated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra really brings the adventure to life throughout my 70hr or so gameplay. I am really looking forward to Dragon Quest IX (i can play on my DS!) and also I really wanna play Level-5's other excellent RPG, Rogue Galaxy when I have a copy :)
3. Final Fantasy X (PS2) - Squaresoft
Best Final Fantasy ever. I was blown away from the very starting CG FMV. I first played it on the demo that came with Final Fantasy VI and I must've played it a dozen times until my mum surprisingly came home with a copy of the full game. Everything was beautiful in this game from the characters, locales, music and to the special effects. Forget the crap sequel, this one is the best there ever was. While changing a lot of the original Final Fantasy games, it was groundbreaking as it was the first one to have voices and the first one to not have a traditional way of leveling up. I really enjoyed using the sphere grid compared to the crap licensing board in Final Fantasy XII. Blitzball is probably the best minigame within any Final Fantasy, I must have put in like 10hrs just into that but mainly to unlock some special weapon. It also has the best theme song, 「"素敵だね"by RIKKI」 that really captures the love between Yuna and Tidus. Story wise, its nothing too new. Mainly its about Tidus trying to live up to his father's name while trying to save the world from Sin with Yuna, the ever cool Auron, funny as Wakka and co. Everyone should play this wonderful game cause its awesome and has Auron in it :p
2. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GCN) - Intelligent Systems/Nintendo
Having wanting to play Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64 so bad but never got a chance cause Nintendo didn't release it for sale, I was glad that the sequel got a retail release. Bought it for $59 one day before its release, it totally blew me away. While not a traditional RPG, its more of a Platform RPG as people put it, it was nice and refreshing from the other RPGs at its time. Honestly I was looking more forward to Tales of Symphonia as it was released around the same time in Australia but glad I had gottent his first. Catchy music, unique paper flat artwork, smart and funny script really made this a joy to play. Really never expected a Mario game with story in it but here it was and sooo damn funny. There is also something included in this game that is rarely in any game... Like a certain something peeping on a certain someone having a shower. I'll let you guys find out for yourselves =] Also good to see everyone bagging Luigi, what a loser hahahaha.
1. Pokémon Gold & Silver (GBC) - GameFreak/Nintendo
『ポケットモンスター 金・銀』
Okay, everyone in my generation has played a Pokémon game sometime earlier in their lives so no need for me to prove how awesome it was! It was also groundbreaking, seeing an RPG on a portable console to sell millions upon millions to its normal traditional RPG market but to the children! Where can you see children play and sit still to play game hours on end. Also the communication required to finish the game made it fun to interact to others.
Hey, it may be a marketting ploy but it was still fun! Thats why Pokémon is at the top for me. Why I picked these two is because Silver was the first Pokémon I owned myself and I had spent over 100 hours just to complete it by trading with my primary school mates. It really leaves a mark in ya life whether it was time wasted or time having fun. While the next generation Pokémon have not been innovative at all, its still incredibly fun and addictive like its older brothers. Gotta Catch 'Em All!
Of course I am missing some awesome RPGs like Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana, Xenogears, Panzer Dragoon etc. I haven't played them enough to make a judgment. One day I'll get to more RPGs but they take a long time to complete especially if they're on home consoles. Dragon Quest VIII already took me five months to complete and now I've just started Final Fantasy XII after a break inbetween. At least on the DS or PSP, I can play on the road during my long bus and train trips to the my universities. I'll get to them soon while also hoping a portable remake is on its way like Final Fantasy IV =]
But screw you guys (especially Ren), tada:
10. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (XBOX, PC) - Bioware/LucasArts
『「STAR WARS」映画の4000年前を舞台にしたRPG』

Now usually I wouldn't put such a Western game in that Ren loves but this was an exception. Being set like 4000 years prior to the events of the New Trilogy, it gave Bioware a lot creative freedom to craft a beautiful story that doesn't cause a time paradox. While I never got to finish it (cause Ren insisted I give it back every time I saw him), it has awesome everything except the Neverwinter Night's like battle system. It took a lot of time to get used to it but one I did, I enjoyed it even more. I think it was one of the first console RPGs that let you customise the face of your avatar to such a heavy extent. While it didn't look like me at all, it still felt good knowing you made him look like a cool dude instead of those Japanese girly RPG heroes (ala Final Fantasy XII). Being able to craft ya own Jedi and pick any colour and type of lightsaber for him is just... wow
9. Tales of Symphonia (GCN, PS2) - Namco Tales Studio/Namco
『テイルズ オブ シンフォニア』

The Nintendo GameCube... how RPG starved have you've become after the Super Nintendo? While the Wii continues the same fate as the Cube and N64, Namco took it upon itself and created a (then-)exclusive RPG for the Cube to all the RPG starved-Nintendo fans. It is a prequel to Tales of Phantasia but not like anyone will notice it. Spanning two GameCube discs, it is the best traditional-RPG on the Cube. Music for the game created by the ever-awesome Motoi Sakuraba and animated cutscenes (even though there was very few of them) by ufotable really made us Cube games feel like a PlayStation 2 RPG fan :p The story is once again about saving the world but at least there were two parallel worlds to be saved! I used the PlayStation 2 cover because it looks sooooo much better than the GameCube's.
8. Grandia II (DC, PS2, PC) - Game Arts

I bought this cause the cover looked cool (at the time) and it was like $20 at EB Games Greensborough. I can't remember much about it cause it was a long time ago that I finished it but I will always remember how awesome the battle engine was. While it has been stolen by way more popular but crap Final Fantasy X-2, it was revolutionary when I played it. It kept me engaged in every single battle we had. While there was an auto feature, just being able to command your party to every split second action was amazing! Hard to describe here, you have to play it yourself. Too bad the two sequels never made it to PAL land but that shouldn't stop most ppl from finding a way to play it :D
7. Final Fantasy VII (PSone, PC) - Squaresoft

The first Final Fantasy game I have ever completed and also the only Final Fantasy game to have the most sequels and prequels =] Introduced to me by Myst Walker, I didn't really care for it much until in Year 8 when Ren showed me some cutscenes of the PC copy and I was blown away! While I didn't finish it until like three, four years later, it was an amazing game with memorable moments and characters. Everyone talks about crying or shattered when Aeris (yeaaaaaaa screw Aerith) dying by the hands of the almighty Sephiroth; didn't happen to me cause it was spoilt for me long time ago. Without this game being created though, the Western world would not be getting a lot of the Japanese RPGs they are getting now. So kudos to Squaresoft for making this game on the PlayStation instead of the Nintendo 64, it was groundbreaking in every way possible thanks to its FMVs that could fit into three CDs :p Also nice to see Tifa's chest getting smaller in the sequels, it didn't look good all blocky in the original...
6. Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (NDS) - AlphaDream/Nintendo
Its a horrible title and also horrible cover art but the game inside it is good as. Its always funny to see Bowser being picked on and just there to be comic relief. Having to control four characters at first seemed difficult, it was soon made easier as the game went by. Not known to most people, the music was done by Kingdom Heart's Yoko Shimomura =] No wonder the tunes were so catchy and memorable. Sadly no one I know have played this beautiful game, it is the best original this-gen portable RPG I reckon. Also it supported the Rumble Pak, which made countering in battles a lot easier. I just love the catchy dialogue and the L33t Hamm3r Broz. just owned it! No matter how little they were in the game, it made such an impact especially with lines like this:
Golly thats funny as!
5. Golden Sun (GBA) - Camelot Planning Software/Nintendo
『黄金の太陽 開かれし封印』

I first played this on an emulator (which I dislike nowadays) before I got my first GBA from Malaysia. I have completed it twice, once was a quickie and second I had to get all the Djinns so that I could transfer them over to the sequel. Even though I played it twice, i can't remember the story all that well. But for some reason, its always has been one of my favorites. Watching as ya Djinn summon sprites always looked cool, the puzzles while can get complex were fun and also one of my high school mates had this game (original copy) so it was fun doing link battles. It really was a traditional RPG and didn't get confusing like a lot of RPGs at its time. Music was memorable though, done by Motoi Sakuraba once again. Hope Camelot will make a sequel one day on the NDS or even the Wii!
4. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2) - Level-5/Square Enix
『ドラゴンクエストVIII 空と海と大地と呪われし姫君』

Just like Golden Sun, a really simple traditional RPG that does everything just right. You didn't have to customise this, check out which of your party should be in ya attacking party etc. Very straightforward and is a breeze to play. Its my most recent RPG finished and took many months to do but it was worth it in the end. Though I got kinda lazy and just youtubed the secret ending :p Exclusive to the English versions was voice acting. While a lot of the voices were kinda annoying, it was still good to hear some awesome ones like the beautiful Medea and the always funny yobbo Yangus! The music in the game was a blast! Fully orchestrated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra really brings the adventure to life throughout my 70hr or so gameplay. I am really looking forward to Dragon Quest IX (i can play on my DS!) and also I really wanna play Level-5's other excellent RPG, Rogue Galaxy when I have a copy :)
3. Final Fantasy X (PS2) - Squaresoft

Best Final Fantasy ever. I was blown away from the very starting CG FMV. I first played it on the demo that came with Final Fantasy VI and I must've played it a dozen times until my mum surprisingly came home with a copy of the full game. Everything was beautiful in this game from the characters, locales, music and to the special effects. Forget the crap sequel, this one is the best there ever was. While changing a lot of the original Final Fantasy games, it was groundbreaking as it was the first one to have voices and the first one to not have a traditional way of leveling up. I really enjoyed using the sphere grid compared to the crap licensing board in Final Fantasy XII. Blitzball is probably the best minigame within any Final Fantasy, I must have put in like 10hrs just into that but mainly to unlock some special weapon. It also has the best theme song, 「"素敵だね"by RIKKI」 that really captures the love between Yuna and Tidus. Story wise, its nothing too new. Mainly its about Tidus trying to live up to his father's name while trying to save the world from Sin with Yuna, the ever cool Auron, funny as Wakka and co. Everyone should play this wonderful game cause its awesome and has Auron in it :p
2. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GCN) - Intelligent Systems/Nintendo

Having wanting to play Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64 so bad but never got a chance cause Nintendo didn't release it for sale, I was glad that the sequel got a retail release. Bought it for $59 one day before its release, it totally blew me away. While not a traditional RPG, its more of a Platform RPG as people put it, it was nice and refreshing from the other RPGs at its time. Honestly I was looking more forward to Tales of Symphonia as it was released around the same time in Australia but glad I had gottent his first. Catchy music, unique paper flat artwork, smart and funny script really made this a joy to play. Really never expected a Mario game with story in it but here it was and sooo damn funny. There is also something included in this game that is rarely in any game... Like a certain something peeping on a certain someone having a shower. I'll let you guys find out for yourselves =] Also good to see everyone bagging Luigi, what a loser hahahaha.
1. Pokémon Gold & Silver (GBC) - GameFreak/Nintendo
『ポケットモンスター 金・銀』

Okay, everyone in my generation has played a Pokémon game sometime earlier in their lives so no need for me to prove how awesome it was! It was also groundbreaking, seeing an RPG on a portable console to sell millions upon millions to its normal traditional RPG market but to the children! Where can you see children play and sit still to play game hours on end. Also the communication required to finish the game made it fun to interact to others.

Of course I am missing some awesome RPGs like Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Mana, Xenogears, Panzer Dragoon etc. I haven't played them enough to make a judgment. One day I'll get to more RPGs but they take a long time to complete especially if they're on home consoles. Dragon Quest VIII already took me five months to complete and now I've just started Final Fantasy XII after a break inbetween. At least on the DS or PSP, I can play on the road during my long bus and train trips to the my universities. I'll get to them soon while also hoping a portable remake is on its way like Final Fantasy IV =]
My Microsoft XBOX games
I only got the Xbox from Ren (for like $29.95, hahaha) like start of last year. Really late into the game, I only have a handful of original games I purchased. Sadly some games I couldn't get cause they're now considered rare and difficult to find for a good price. Some of these games I've never opened cause I have other games to play instead :p
- Breakdown (Namco)
- Counter-Strike (Valve/Turtle Rock Studios)
- Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Fasa Studio/Microsoft Game Studio)
- Dead or Alive 3 (Team Ninja/Tecmo)
- Dead or Alive Ultimate (Team Ninja/Tecmo)
- Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Team Ninja/Tecmo)
- Dino Crisis 3 (Capcom)
- Grabbed By The Ghoulies (Rare/Microsoft Game Studio)
- GunValkyrie (SmileBit/SEGA)
- Kung Fu Chaos (Just Add Monsters/Microsoft Game Studio)
- MechAssault (Day 1 Studios/Microsoft Game Studio)
- Ninja Gaiden (Team Ninja/Tecmo)
- Panzer Dragoon Orta (SmileBit/SEGA)
- Playboy: The Mansion (Cyberlore Studios/Ubisoft)
- Scrapland (Mercury Steam Studios/Enlight)
- Shenmue II (SEGA AM-2/SEGA)
- Stake: Fortune Fighters (Gameness Arts/Metro 3D)
- Sudeki (Climax Group/Microsoft Game Studios)
- The Suffering (Surreal Studios/Midway)
- ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth (Visual Concepts/SEGA)
- Tomb Raider: Legend (Crystal Dynamics/Eidos Interactive)
- Voodoo Vince (Beep Industries/Microsoft Game Studios)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Being Dodgy while Mario Karting
Mario Kart Wii came out on the 24th April and I had preordered it two weeks back for a good sum of $50 :D I was very proud of that until after Mario Kart Wii launched, I bought an Ice Silver Limited Edition God of War PSP Slim&Lite for $120 :D I did it by buying three Mario Kart Wii's for $40 each then trading it for $270 credit at EB, bless those guys. It was confusing as explaining to people what was the looooong process I went to obtain such cheap good games so I won't explain it here cause I pretty much cannot be bothered atm :p Explained it way too much times at Milamber's party.
Now I have unlocked everything in Mario Kart Wii, took me less than a week and the only thing I don't have is the Three Star rating and the Golden Wheel, because the wheel sucks! Haha nah it works but it cannot be taken to a competitive level unless you are that good. But its a fun little piece of plastic to use when ya mates around. I got four Wii Wheels but only three wii remotes... hmmm.
Its probably my second favorite Mario Kart after Mario Kart DS. Its not the most fairest Mario Kart and the AI can get increasingly brutal when you are infront but you will eventually find a way to out smart then ;) Nintendo really outdone itself with the online, while not as good as XBL, it really is a step up from its previous affairs and much better than Super Smash Bros. Brawl's. Theres like close to no lag and....... two-player co-op online! also with no lag! Dunno how they can have 12 player online races with no lag but cannot have 4 player online Brawl battles without lag.... something wrong there Nintendo. Hopefully they fix it up before our June 26th launch.
Next is my super PSP! While it came God of War: Chains of Olympus, I traded it back in to get it for exactly $270. I do want the game but I can wait. Busy with Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and Tekken: Dark Resurrection atm.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops really has its flaws only because its limited by the PSP's gamepad layout. Its missing a second stick and two shoulder buttons. The game tries to be like Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence but its not as smooth as it is. Because its missing the second stick, we have to stop movement before changing the camera angle which is a pain because you could be accidentally standing next to an enemy before you can see him. You walk with the stick and change with the d-pad... how awkward is that -.- The missing two shoulder buttons aren't as sorely missed because they have been mapped to the O button. Other than that, excellent game! The story isn't as strong as the previous Metal Gear's but it still has its charms! The two connections to Metal Gear Solid really came as a surprise, one you would pick up on if you've played the original and the other not so. Wish a sequel will come out, explaining how Naked Snake turned psycho and him meeting his son :D
Next is Tekken: Dark Resurrection and its a great game overall but wished there was more stuff to unlock. All the characters are unlocked already including all their additional costumes... while it doesn't make the game less fun, I would've preferred if it kept to its console counterparts. Also why wasn't online included huh? It has online ranking and ghosting but thats shit for a current gen game. Ghosts? wtf? its all AI-controlled in the end anyway, not fun Namco! Also gameplay and timing has been tweaked a bit. I found I cannot perform some moves and juggles for Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu that I could in Tekken 5. But can't complain too much as this is the second latest version of Tekken 5 making the PS2 copy obsolete in a competitive sense. I also hate the new character Lili. Hate her attitude, voice, looks, fighting style; pretty much everything!
At least theres a cool new character coming out on Tekken 6! While the rest is crap, Miguel just kicks ass and takes names, he is soooooooo cool. Reminds of Raphael from Soulcalibur II with his clothes and fighting style. I dunno why cause Miguel is Spanish and Raphael is French... weird me. Need a PlayStation 3 sooooooooooooonish!
Now lets finish it off with........

Now lets finish it off with........

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