Monday, July 13, 2009

Braving Vesperia

Well it has been a while since I've posted... sigh. Right now I am playing Tales of Vesperia on Xbox 360. Yes I know its coming to PS3 as a Director's Cut version but I just can't wait another year for it to come here like freaking Eternal Sonata. So what do I have to say about this game... it is DAMN GOOD! After finishing Final Fantasy XII, I took a break from playing a console RPG and eagering awaiting this game. While I haven't finided a Tales game before (sad I know), I was pumped for this seeing as its by Namco and anime-style!

I must admit that when I first turned it on, I was bummed that there was no Japanese dubbed option. But after playing it for a bit, I actually didn't mind the voices, it is a lot better than Tales of Symphonia I can tell you that! Now I'm hooked on the game with 40 hours in and playing it every chance I can :p

While I am pissed that the PS3 version was announced being the better edition like Eternal Sonata with all its super awesome editions, I will still buy it but when its cheaper but I know I won't play it. I don't usually go back and play an RPG that I have already completed (except Pokemon) cause mainly I just have waaaaaaaaay too many games to play, sigh.

After Tales of Vesperia, I am thinking of playing either one of these RPGs:
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Symphonia
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Star Ocean: The Last Hope

Grandia III
Rogue Galaxy

Yes I know three of them are PS2 games but its hard to deny that the PlayStation 2 was the king of Japanese RPGs, yes sorry SNES fans. There were just so many and many of them were also localised to English officially! Thats a huge bonus :) The Nintendo DS and GBA are fair good when it comes to portable RPGs, I just can't stand the PSP's load times even though there are CG/Anime cutscenes but if I wanted to see them, I'll just play their PSone/PS2 counterparts :p

Well if I have time, I'll post up a review for Tales of Vesperia when I'm done with it. For now, toodles!

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