Monday, July 9, 2012

Fission Mailed

Alright guys! 
I now have two platinum trophies and currently working on my third! those two are:

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

they were quite easy to get but working on MGS2 is actually quite hard. If i put in suffcient time I should have it done by month's end.

also i finished Phoenix Wright again. damn its an awesome game! i really thought i could fly through it since i played it before but nup, took me almost a month to finish it (playing it only before sleeping) and the story is soooo EPIC :D

currently I am playing:

PS3: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
360: Halo Reach
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
3DS: Rhythm Thief, Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater

of course most of my time is dedicated to MGS2 atm, i want that platinum trophy!
i will try to update this as much as I can however I am playing games less now

cya guys!

1 comment:

Luke said...

I believe it may take some time to get the MGS platinum but it is a challenge, good luck though, try to catch up on getting a 4th one ;)