Monday, March 18, 2013


Contary to what the title suggests, I am not dying, haha. Just wanted to reference Back to the Future as it is just an excellent movie! But it is kind of relevent to my plight.

Once I was a great gamer, being able to finish game after game after game and each game I bought I treasured; either for the monetary value or the game was that good I have to have it! Nowadays with me working fulltime and all, I have more money and able to buy more games than before but that comes at the price of no time to play...

Also having a girlfriend taxes a lot of your free time and I don't see it laxing anytime soon especially I really enjoy spending time with her. And looking into the future I can see me getting less and less gaming time with more and more games sitting on my shelf waiting to play.

I have generations of games from the PS2 and GameCube era that needs to be played and even some SNES and PSone games thanks to the Virtual Console and PSone Classics respectively. Also now that the Wii U has arrived, I still haven't got around to Wii games yet.

Sitting on my shelf that needs to be played before I die are:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Spirit Tracks
Final Fantasy VI/VIII/IX
Chrono Cross
Paper Mario
Sin & Punishment 1 and 2
Resident Evil 0-3 and C:VX
Super Mario Galaxy 2
God of War 2-4 and the two prequels
Tales of the Abyss
Onimusha 1

and many more!

It is a scary future for me where I see myself not playing them especially when I am at my most passionate about games and with money to boot!

We'll see how it turns out and now back to Ni no Kuni :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A truly sad tale of the games story. I know one day you will have time to get to play them but for now, important things matter.
good post keep them coming.