5. The World Ends With You
Released: 17th of April 2008
This is an odd but original title from Square-Enix and its freakin' nice to see them releasing an original game instead of whoring out Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest titles cosntantly. I have yet to finish it but the game is very very unique and the battle system is confusing at first as you have to control two screens to battle at once but you will get used to it. I like the music in it as its like J-Pop, the way I like it! Hope Square-Enix still make games like this and I will finish this game real soon. The story is very captivating but I was taken away by other games I have obtained sadly but I don't regret it :)
4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Released: 26th of June 2008
Why is this fourth on the list? Because I have dropped it down to here because Nintendo Australia pisses me off way too often. Now there isn't anything too wrong with the offline portion of the game, its just that Nintendo are way too conversative when it comes to online and also haven't fixed the lag-issues that plagued the earlier releases in other countries. It took over three months for a release here but nothing of the technical issues has been changed for the better. Disgusting effort. There are no online ranking, chatrooms, voice-chat, DLC or anything! Its appalling for a highly competitive game that all Nintendo fans have been craving for. Anywho...

I know I will continue playing this throughout the year and may even jump up the ranks or go down when new releases hit. But for now, it stays here while I continue playing it with my mates xD
3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Released: 12th of June 2008
Solid Snake's swansong and sadly I have not played it nor I know what its about other than Solid has become Old Snake. The pics and videos I have seen of it looks fantastic and is currently the best looking game so far of any game. Hopefully I can get a PlayStation 3 one day so I can just play this game as its the only one game I want to play sooooooooooo damn badly. Luckily theres a nice gentleman that is willing to give me a go when he himself gets a PS3! You are one awesome lad Cryptix!

2. Mario Kart Wii
Released: 24th of April 2008
Who can resist Mario Kart Wii? Among family and friends that come to my place, this game just dominates even over Super Smash Bros. Brawl. While it is easy to pick up and play via the Wii Steering Wheel attachment to the hardcore and best suited Wiimote and Nunchaku configuration, it is the most perfect game to play with anyone and at anytime. The online components are nice and fleshed out compared to previous Nintendo entries but it could've been so much better but I'm not too emo about it anymore after getting my rank way up! The AI in the game are way too unforgiving and just rubber-bands everywhere if you are not too careful. Thankfully I am a pro and was able to outsmart them and unlock everything within five days if I am correct.
This takes Runner Up for the immense fun I had with this game that kept me going on and on and also making me forget all about Brawl. Also it didn't lag online unlike Brawl so it was easily the best online console game I have played so far. Really hope some of my mates will get awesome at it so I can have some competition, not fun just playing losers all the time and getting thrashed by Eric constantly :p
1. Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII-
Released: 19th of June 2008
I just finished this game today and man... this is the most emotional game I have ever played! Even the original Final Fantasy VII or Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater didn't bring a tear to my eyes but this one did! Even though I knew how the game was gonna end, since its a prequel to the original, the story telling was fair flawless and really filled a lot of holes in the original's story. Unlike the unnecessary sequels Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Advent Children, this one is a legitimate entry into the world of Gaia. As most people already know that our protagonist Zack Fair dies, its great to see his humble beginners as a SOLDIER to how he became an inspiration to Cloud Strife, how he met Aeris, where the Buster Sword was originally from and the the deep insight to why Sephiroth became a crazed lunatic. It was also great and interesting to see Sephiroth as a good guy with friends (two of them!) and a sense of humor before he turned crazy. There are also some hilarious caemos from the original cast from Yuffie to Reno to Cait Sith.

Other games that are note-worthy but I don't have the time to write about them or I haven't played yet includes:
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - beautiful game but also very sad and dark. Nice to see Nintendo lean towards that way for once
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - played it, loved it but its way too similar to the previous trilogy.
Dancing Stage: Hottest Party - everyone knows I love DDR and I want this game so bad but no money!
Devil May Cry 4 - is Nero better than Dante? I doubt it but still wanna play it.
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit - just like the original Budokai games but looks much more sharper.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates - beautiful DS game but with crap AI
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift - its Tactics and its back without lag!
God of War: Chains of Olympus - it was in my hands for a split second!
Grand Theft Auto IV - played a bit and its very different from the previous entries, need to spend more time on it.
Ikaruga - way hard game but its HD!
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 - would've added it but EA Australia fucked up the online components BIG TIME!
Ōkami - soon when I get it on Wii!
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - apparently best soccer game ever made... I will get it soonish!
Soulcalibur - port of the Dreamcast classic which I have never played.
Time Crisis 4 - its like the arcades but more expensive and with a baby orange G-Con gun.
Wii Fit - is this even a game?
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure - much too difficult for me, u pretty much need a MENSA brain to finish this game without any online help.
Well I'm looking forward for the remainder of the year. Got some awesome games coming soon but sadly, they're not on Wii. Hopefully Nintendo announces something nice soon (Animal Crossing doesn't count Nintendo!) and surprise us all on the Wii and DS front or there will be a drought of exclusive first-party games =.=
Lets finish it off with my main pink kawan!

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